The Easiest System For Buying & Optimizing Your Inventory
OptIO integrates with your point of sale to automate and streamlines laborious tasks. Key features include:
- Shoe Tinder: Allows you to search other stores' inventory for an item that you need (typically for a special order) that you cannot get from the vendor. In order to make for a win-win swap instead of a one way favor, when you request the item from another store, OptIO shows the other shoes what they are out of stock in but that you have in stock.
- At-once order reports: Calculates what needs to be ordered now based on real time inventory consolidated across all locations plus purchase orders expected to arrive soon and compared to stock levels. A big breakthrough for footwear is that colors are rolled up into styles with regards to calculating quantities needing reorder.
- Future footwear order revision report: Projects what should be ordered for delivery at a future date based on past sales, current inventory and stock levels. Computes a min and max amount for each size which makes future order revising very easy.
- Future order generator: Creates future orders for a new season based on past sales.
- Inter-store Transfer report: Calculates precisely what needs to be transferred between any two locations based on real time inventory and stock levels.
- Footwear stock levels editor: Enables stock levels by style, size and shop location and groups styles across colors. Used by the interstore transfer report and ordering reports.
- Inventory counting: A huge improvement over the function built into most POS systems. Every barcode scan gives an audible tone confirming it was recognized or not.
- Inventory search engine: Very easy and fast lookup of product info and inventory across all locations. Quantities per location are displayed in an easy to read grid format as well as open purchase order data and images for many key brands.
- Utilities for performing various tasks much faster and easier such as: purchase order receiving, inter-store transfer creation, partial PO creator.
A 60 day free trial is available at www.getopt.io
We bridge the gap to optimal efficiency and save you tremendous amounts of time!

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