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What is the Running Industry Association?

The Running Industry Association (RIA) is a non-profit organization that supports the brick and mortar running retail channel throughout the United States and Canada. Our members are independently owned stores, the brands that sell within the channel, and the companies that provide services and support to the channel.

Founded in 2006 as the Independent Running Retailers Association, the organization has undergone consistent growth and evolution, leading to the transition in 2015 to a 501c6 non-profit, and in 2017, our members' decision to re-brand as the Running Industry Association. The name change reflects the understanding that for the independent running specialty channel to remain competitive, a new, inclusive culture must be fostered. With all stakeholders working collaboratively together, the channel can remain robust and meet the challenges of an increasingly complex market. As the RIA moves forward, our mission will remain focused on serving  the channel with resources and advocacy. In doing so, RIA will position itself as the progressive thought and business leader for the entire running industry. 

The RIA Mission

The RIA’s sole purpose is to drive the running industry forward. We do this by helping members maintain healthy, profitable businesses through financial benefits, innovative commerce tools, advocacy, strategic partnerships, and peer support.

The RIA Plan

Check out our interactive guide for members and non-members alike that takes you through our plan to support the run specialty retail channel. 

Meet Our Staff

The RIA staff works to connect and engage members with valuable resources in order to advance the specialty running channel.
Contact Us
Lizzy Peper

Lizzy Peper

Member Services Manager
Terry Schalow of the Running Industry Association

Terry Schalow

Executive Director
Rachel Brenneman of Running Industry Association

Rachel Brenneman

Marketing & PR
Stephanie Lauerman of Running Industry Association

Stephanie Lauerman

Project Manager

Lauren Fifield

Event Planner
Traci Schalow of Running Industry Association

Traci Kindred Schalow

Graphic Designer
Shawna Cruise of Cruise Group

Shawna Cruise

Financial Services
Image of Josh Gowans

Josh Gowans

Technical Support

Board of Directors

The Running Industry Association’s Board represents our membership with the express purpose of supporting the organization’s mission to create a collaborative, dynamic specialty run community. The board consists of 13 members who represent our 3 levels of membership. There are 9 retail seats, 3 brand seats, and 1 associate seat. 

Board Officers
  • President - Harry Chandler - Charlotte Running Company

  • Vice President - Lindey Mulder - Playmakers

  • Treasurer - Eric Contreras - Runner's Plus

  • Strategic Lead - Jess Reid - Lex Running Shop

Board Members:
  • Rob Anderson - Run Free Project
  • Kyle Brady- Naperville Running Company
  • Elyse Braner- Pacers
  • Trent Briney - RNK Running and Walking
  • Harry Chandler - Charlotte Running Company

  • Eric Contreras - Runner's Plus

  • Kim Furnari - Brooks 
  • Amy Johnson - Craft

  • Nick Kovaleski - A Runner's Mind 

  • Kevin McHale - Asics

  • Lindsey Mulder - Playmakers

  • Jess Reid - Lex Running Shop 

  • Melissa Vitale - True Grit Running Company