True Motion US
Fewer injuries means more running..WOW!! That was what we set out to achieve, the result is what may be the ultimate running shoe, True Motion. Our Patented U-Tech technology was borrowed from our own biology, it was there right in front of us. Up until now it was somehow missed. Our patented horseshoe shape mimics your very heel shape and padding. When heel strike occurs, your heel bone sinks down into open space and immediately trampolines you up and out of the impact minimizing the shock and helps propel you forward with your natural gait. This minimizes the stress on your achilles all the way up through your knees and hip. Center Your Run!
Our Run Better Research Project proved U-Tech technology reduced injuries significantly. This technology was achieved through the scientific findings of Prof. Dr. Gert-Peter Bruggemann, head of the Institute for Biomechanics and Orthopedics at the German Sports University Cologne for decades. He has been part of numerous innovative running shoe developements for other successful brands before True Motion. Andre Kriwet and Christian Arens, 2 of the other founders will be at our booth. Also our colleague, Dr. Adam Teichman, Chief, Division of Podiatric Surgery at Sacred Heart Hospital will be available to discuss our technology/biomechanics and foot health for runners.
Center Your Run!

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