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RIA At Your Fingertips

RIAConnect is a native iOS and Android app that puts the power of Running Industry Association's network at your finger tips.

We're taking membership with the Running Industry Association to the next level and putting member benefits at your fingertips with RIAConnect. Leverage this innovate mobile app to:

  • Access member contacts
  • View, register and participate in RIA events
  • Member only news, updates and webinars
  • Sync events, contacts and more locally

How to access RIA Connect

RIA Connect is a unique app that connects you to the Running Industry Association. However, there are a few things you need to know in order to use it successfully.

  • First and foremost, if you have any issues or questions about RIA Connect, email us at If you want to be frustrated with your issue, get an improper response, or otherwise struggle using the system, then email a different email address!

  • You must have a login to this site,, in order to log into the app. You will use your website login credentials in order to log into the app. If you have not registered, please visit

  • If you have forgotten your username, don't worry. It happens. Like the password, you manage this via the RIA website. Go here to recover your username.
  • If you need to reset your password, please do so on the RIA website, not in the app. RIA Connect relies on your website username and password, so please manage these on the RIA Website. Go here for a password reset.

  • If you previously installed an older version of RIA Connect, we suggest you delete the version you have and reinstall to ensure the freshest technology. This is especially true if you receive a CiviMobile extension error.

How to use RIA Connect

RIA Connect has a lot of functionality, but learning how to use it is fairly intuitive. We encourage you to jump in and give it a shot!

We've also created a few videos demonstrating how to use the app. You can access this by logging into the site and visiting the "How To" guides from your member dashboard.

RIAConnect is a work in progress. Have thoughts and suggestions, or need some support? Email us at

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