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Product Data Collaborative

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Not a Member? Another Reason to Join the RIA

The RIA Product Data Collaborative is LIVE!

Seamless data sharing across the entire run specialty channel - for brands, retailers and business partners.


If time is money, how much are you losing managing brand product data? 

Securing and managing brand product data (UPC codes, product descriptions, product images, etc) can feel like utter chaos. It is an incredible drain on precious staff resources, and is often fraught with human errors.


Logo for the RIA Product Data Collaborative

The all-new Product Data Collaborative (PDC) is the first-ever, centralized tool for accessing and managing brand product data.

"One of the most exciting developments I've seen recently is the RIA's Product Data Collaborative (PDC), which aims to centralize and standardize product data on neutral ground in a way that's accessible to all industry participants. While it'll be a big effort, it will provide standards and automation at scale that will save retailers tens of thousands of dollars per year and provide the rails for innovators like Run Free Project and our peers to transform the industry with cool new stuff never thought possible."

How it Works

In a nutshell, the PDC removes the burden of gathering, formatting, and managing brand product data.

  • The platform enables brands to easily input seasonal product data.
  • It uses artificial intelligence protocols to standardize the data.
  • Retailers easily create product assortments for uploads to POS providers, e-commerce and digital marketing solutions.

It includes hard and soft data like model number, SKU, UPC/EAN, color (description and code), size, width, wholesale cost, retail price, and images. MAP and other data will be available soon.

Simply put, the PDC promotes the ‘ease of doing business’.

Animated image of PDC functionality

Let's Dive In!

  • PDC for Retailers

    Save time pushing product data to your POS and e-comm platforms

  • PDC for Brands

    Ensure consistent product data flows to all your specialty retailers

  • PDC for Associates

    Make it easier for customers to do business with you

  • Non-Members

    The RIA Product Data Collaborative is a member-only benefit that empowers brands and retailers by streamlining their product data management processes. Not a member? Consider joining the RIA today to take advantage of this huge time savings opportunity.

Join the RIA Today!

Powered by Contentserv

RIA chose to partner with Contentserv, a recognized technology leader serving over 300 businesses in 89 countries, to develop the PDC. They have a proven track record as expert software developers who simplify and automate product content management for brands and specialty retailers across the globe. They know data management can waste time and create inconsistencies that hurt the customer experience. Their solutions enable businesses to spend less time fighting fragmented data and more time delivering rich, relevant and emotional product experiences that enhance their brand and ultimately delight customers.

Image of Contentserv logo

Why the RIA?

As a neutral entity within the run specialty channel, the RIA is uniquely suited to provide a centralized storehouse for brand product data - creating easy access for all existing platforms or tools that require product data and avoiding potential productization of data.

What the PDC is Not

It is neither a digital product catalog nor a competitor for any online tools provided by brands or third-party platforms. Instead, it is quite simply a ‘single source of truth’: a repository for secure clean, standardized brand data, available to all. In this fashion, the PDC acts to support brand and third-party tools and services.

Key FAQ's

Have questions or feedbackabout the development process? Shoot us an email.

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Have questions or feedbackabout the development process? Shoot us an email.

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Read more …Product Data Collaborative

  • Hits: 16377

National Run Safety Month

National Run Safety Month 2023

One of the RIA’s core missions is to inform and raise awareness, and for this year’s National Run Safety Month, we feel it is important to recognize there are different experiences surrounding run safety that we have not yet explored.

While topics like visibility, situational awareness, and self-defense remain important to the concept of run safety, this year we're exploring an important new direction, in keeping with the RIA’s support of DEI initiatives. 

Specifically, the RIA is expanding the 2023 NRSM conversation with an examination of what run safety means for the BIPOC community, with multiple points of view designed to help members better understand the challenges BIPOC runners face. 

Our goal is to foster conversations on the path toward substantive action and productive solutions. 

As we approach the lower light, colder months of the year - running is even more important, but doing it safely is paramount. Join us in supporting National Run Safety Month by sharing the important tips, articles and resources below that you have found useful. Help your customers think about what run safety means for them and all the members of their community. 

Read more …National Run Safety Month

  • Hits: 34663

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Member List Policy

We've provided a retail membership list for your reference, but want to make sure that you fully understand the two simple guidelines we've established to ensure that the list is used properly. 
  • Access to the RIA retail member list is an exclusive member benefit, so the list is for your internal use only. The list should never be shared with any individual or entity outside your organization, or outside RIA membership.
  • When you reach out to our retail members, we are perfectly OK with mentioning your RIA membership. In fact, we encourage it. You are also welcome and encouraged to offer special member discounts, but this is entirely optional. If you choose to offer a member discount, an appropriate communication is to say something on the order of "As an RIA member, you can take advantage of your RIA membership discount when you order our products."
What we want to avoid is any type of communication that either directly or indirectly implies an RIA endorsement of your brand or products. An example of inappropriate communication: "We're partnering with the RIA to offer you this special deal...". In short, we work hard to support our member brands, but we have to avoid the issues that could potentially arise when it appears we're favoring one brand over another. That would dilute our mission to support ALL members.

Read more …Privacy Policy

  • Hits: 7402