RIA Weekly Snapshots in Action - February

Red Rock Running Company’s owner, Mark Jimenez, taught high school math for 23 years before entering the run specialty industry, so he has an affinity for numbers and statistics. RRRC started using Cadence after Runchella in September, and it has been instrumental in evaluating how they stack up against their peers in the run specialty channel. The RIA will take a look at their insole sales to illustrate how it works:
Q: Tell us about your focus on insole sales.
Insole sales are one of the Key Performance Indicators we have been tracking for years. We have a store goal of a 40% conversion rate, and twice a month I run numbers to see where we are at. We've been regularly achieving that goal now for some time and are actually edging up to 50%.
Q: How are RIA Weekly Snapshots by Cadence helping you achieve your goal?
The data I get from the RIA’s Weekly Snapshot report is actually data I've been looking at in RICS for some time. I have a background in math, so I like to look at the data and see where we are as a company. Where the Weekly Snapshots have really helped me is to see how we compare to the rest of the industry. It shows me that we must be doing something right, because our numbers are consistently beating industry averages, and not by an insignificant amount. I have a very clear vision of where I want Red Rock Running Company to go, and RIA Weekly Snapshots are helping me see that we are meeting our goals.
Note: Red Rock Running Company uses Currex footboards as part of its fit process. Mark says their customers love it and it enables their sales associates to have a short conversation with customers about footbeds.
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