Zen Running Club
When we started debating what a modern running brand should be it was clear that there was a huge gap between what was available, and what we wanted to see. So we asked the question ⎻ what if you didn’t have to choose between performance, sustainability and style?
We embarked on a journey to build high performance sustainable running shoes – without any compromise. Made from the best plant powered innovation available. A product that gives all that is needed and nothing more.
At heart we are a bunch of athletes, dreamers and mavericks tired of the status quo ⎻ we struggle with our love of the outdoors whilst seeing the damage that is being done to it, so we made a decision ⎻let’s do the best we can to change it, and bring as many people as we can along for the run.
We love pushing the boundaries, test after test, proto after proto and mile after mile. This process gives us insights into how far things can go, and where we need to work to make things better. For us this is a never-ending journey to see how far plant-powered innovation can take us.
This isn’t the final destination, but a big step in the right direction.

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