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Sports Marketing Surveys - September 2022

Runner preparing to run
This month our goal was to assess just how good 2021 was compared to other years. So we’re taking a long look back at growth in footwear sales in the running channel over the past 17 years.  For those who’ve argued that last year was the greatest year of sales for the channel, the actual data backs you up! 

As you’ll see from the graphs included when you download the report, the channel followed a steady same-store growth path in both unit and dollars sales from 2005 until the covid downturn in 2020.  Then came 2021, with the steepest growth trajectory the channel has ever seen. While that sort of growth is unlikely to be repeated in 2022, the year-to-date numbers point out that it will still be a pretty darn good year, with sales that go far beyond anything prior to 2021. 

We also wanted to explore the idea that premium price points were driving the growth in sales dollars, and discovered something interesting.  If you compare the average selling price of roughly $88 in 2005 to this year’s ASP of $134, and then adjust for inflation, the adjusted 2022 ASP is about $92. The takeaway?  Run Specialty stores remain a premium product shopping experience, but run specialty stores are not pushing their customers to higher price points. In fact, the ASP increases have barely exceeded inflation. 

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